Once a Lion, always a Lion.

Please take a moment to share life updates and contact information with us. Help us refresh our community database by filling out the contact update form below.

Contact Update

It’s important you know that by submitting your information you consent to being contacted by Tucson Hebrew Academy Alumni Association. You may update your preferences at any time by contacting us.

Share a Simcha

Let us know about a career update, family news, a big move, personal milestones, and more.

In Memoriam

We mourn the loss of our THA community, friends, and supporters of the school. If you wish to submit information on a member of our community who has passed away, please email Johanna Shlomovich, Head of School, johanna@thaaz.org for more information.

Don’t miss out on the fun this year!

Keep in touch by following our Alumni Instagram or joining the Alumni Facebook Page.